Materials from our most recent round of consultation, held in May 2024 can be downloaded here

Welcome to the public consultation website for the regeneration proposal of the Juniper Crescent estate. One Housing and Countryside are seeking the views of local residents and stakeholders before submitting a planning application for the regeneration of the estate to Camden Council.
On this website, you can learn more about the project team and what we are proposing as well as having the opportunity to share your feedback. All feedback will be collated and analysed before the application is finalised and submitted to the council.
We have now held two rounds of public consultation, in October 2023 and May 2024. Materials from each round of consultation can be viewed on this website.
Boards from the latest consultation can be downloaded here.
We plan on delivering a sustainable development which will boost the economy of the local area whilst delivering a community friendly design. We want to hear your views on our proposals. Please take the time to read through the information on this website before filling out a feedback form.

We plan on delivering a sustainable development which will boost the economy of the local area whilst delivering a community friendly design. We want to hear your views on our proposals. Please take the time to read through the information on this website before filling out a feedback form.

We plan on delivering a sustainable development which will boost the economy of the local area whilst delivering a community friendly design. We want to hear your views on our proposals. Please take the time to read through the information on this website before filling out a feedback form.

A housing association and not-for-profit organisation with a strong social purpose. One Housing is a part of Riverside Group Limited and offers a wide range of housing options including homes for social rent in partnership with local authorities.
Registered Housing Provider
UK’s leading mixed-tenure developer, bringing together modern and efficient delivery methods to create sustainable communities where people love to live.
Development Partner
Design led team with over 60 years’ experience in community led housing regeneration developments in the UK and across London.
Connect are an award-winning public affairs agency who specialise in creative campaigns and consultations for residential developments. We have extensive experience of working across the London Borough of Camden, helping residents and stakeholders shape the built environment in their community.
Public and Stakeholder engagement
Selected by tenants’ representatives at the start of the redevelopment process to help improve discussions between residents and One Housing, and provide confidential advice
and support tenants.
Independent Tenant Advisor
We plan on delivering a sustainable development which will boost the economy of the local area whilst delivering a community friendly design. We want to hear your views on our proposals. Please take the time to read through the information on this website before filling out a feedback form.

UK’s leading mixed-tenure developer, bringing together modern and efficient delivery methods to create sustainable communities where people love to live.
Development Partner
Design led team with over 50 years’ experience in community led housing regeneration developments in the UK and across London.
Selected by tenants’ representatives at the start of the redevelopment process to help improve discussions between residents and One Housing, and provide confidential advice and support tenants.
Independent Tenant Advisor