Homes for larger, multi-generational families
Healthy Homes
Homes, community and open spaces where people can lead happy, healthy and sustainable lifestyles.
Prioritise passive design measures
Promote outdoor comfort
Optimising façade design for daylight and overheating
Design for quiet and well ventilated homes
Homes for larger, multi-generational families
Next steps
Zero Carbon and Circular Economy principles will be explored as the design evolves
Homes for larger, multi-generational families
Sustainability habitats
Provide natural habitats for a balanced and thriving urban ecology
Urban greening
Climate resilience
Promote carbon sequestration
Opportunities for people to enjoy high quality green spaces
Promote outdoor living
Homes for larger, multi-generational families
Empowered Community
An inclusive and diverse community that can contribute meaningfully towards shaping their neighbourhood
Community led design
Building skills
Creation of an Estate Board
Accessibility for all
Design for diversity
Transport and data connected
Healthier, happier and more resilient
The proposed development retains the existing access points for vehicles; however, a new pedestrian footpath and cycle access will be added.
We will be creating multifunctional civic spaces including green areas, seating, multifunctional play and heritage. This consists of allotment space for communal growing and multifunctional communal gardens with play space, fitness provisions and seating for enjoyment. Additionally, the perimeter of the estate will be lined with planted areas to increase the natural vibrancy of the Juniper Crescent neighbourhood.